Electric Car Charging Station
Return on Investments and Profits
Clean, renweable, sustainable and profitable energy
Uni-Metaverso has a goal: instal in 2022 some Electric Car Charging Stations in USA, Spain and Brazil.
In order to achieve this goal, Uni-Metaverso has already partnership with Enerzee - one of the biggest companies in renewable energy (website: enerzee.com)
DriveCrypto plus Enerzee
DRIVE CRYPTO also is willing to be a contributor on needed infrastructure to meet the electric cars energy demand - in this way, part of the project profits will be used on the charging stations instals - in order to diminish climate changes impacts as well as Carbon Credits generation.
All the energy used into the Charging Stations are generated by solar panels - clean and sustainable energy. In this matter, we can assure that these stations will be very profitable as cars need to pay to use (DriveCrypto and DrivePoints). A part of this profit will be distributed to HOLDERS, as a part of ecosystem gains.
Charging your car battery
All recharges made in one of the stations will be paid in DriveCrypto, assuring the utility of the token in long term.
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